Infinite ISH... Thoughts of my Infinite mind

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Some Food Jokes to avoid being "Hangry"...

Hey guys, welcome to my new blog! In this blog, I'm sharing some of my coolest food jokes, which you could read when you feel angry and ...

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Ant And The Grasshopper "Stoetry"

The Ant And The Grasshopper, The Greedy Dog, The Wolf And The Three Pigs... do these words give you some nostalgia? Well, even if you get nostalgic, there's no problem to that.
But, somewhere, lost in one's memory, these stories are having a special spot for themselves. Even though one doesn't remember it completely, they are having their place somewhere. 

And, if you want to revive those stories, those memories, today's blog is a beautiful poem; about the story The Ant And The Grasshopper. Well, I prefer to call it "Stoetry" (mix of story and poetry).

I have got inspiration to write this "Stoetry" from Roald Dahl, after reading his mind-blowing Stoetry of the story The Wolf And The Three Pigs. Read on to know my version of The Ant And The Grasshopper, with humour guaranteed!

An animal which comes out of the grass like a popper
Is none other than a gritty Grasshopper
Jumping and skipping in the lush green grass
Can anybody have a life with such class
Look at it from far and it will look like an emerald green tong  
It keeps on jumping all day long                                                   

But there was this grasshopper which was an exception
With him having a completely different perception
He was a synonym for the word 'lazy'
He was happy-go-lucky; never was his mind hazy
His good friends were the Ants
Luckily he never let them in his pants

Then came the bright summer
Which, in the matter of storing food, was a bummer
For the winter, the ants collected and stored food
But still the grasshopper was in his jovial mood
On the guitar he played Jazz
His life then was all Razzmatazz  
Playing guitar and singing
Was his preferred thing

Summer was approaching to its end; all he did was this
Next arrived the winter's kiss
He hadn't stored grub for Jack Frost
What to do now; his brain was lost
The ants told him to do the same
He didn't listen to them; with zilch shame 
With a hungry stomach he began to roam                                  
Heading towards the ants' home
He knocked on the puny door
And begged for food- which he didn't store
His body was a source of immense fatigue
The fact was known by the ant league

They took some time to think
If starved more, the grasshopper's life would be at its brink
They couldn't say NO
After all, they were always together, during highs and lows
The grasshopper was given food to eat
Kindness had got another feat
The grasshopper gave a big smile
As broad as the River Nile
Thanking the ants enough
Was definitely tough

With enlightenment on his lips
He learnt two important tips
First: Always do planning for the future
So you can avoid a terrible hunger adventure
Second: Never underestimate the power of an ant
It can do much more than just invade your pant!!

Phew! Amazing, wasn't it? By the way, if YOU found it amazing too, you can surely comment! Hope you must have enjoyed it. So, this is all for today from my end. Cheerios, and keep on reading my blogs, Mis Amigos!! Hey! Haven't you checked out my YouTube channel? Tap on the link to learn more: 

☝☝One of my best videos☝☝

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Darker Side Of Cricket

"Each coin has two sides" rightly coined by anonymous. One side, you see the value of the coin, the image of a great person, when it was minted, it's symbol or emblem, but there are many times when us, people, haven't bothered to look at the other side of the coin.

The same thing is happening with the sport Cricket. It is known as the world's second most played game, but still, a darker side to it still exists which destroys the game. And so, I have written a poem about this darker side of cricket.

The Darker side of Cricket


Cricket is sport of great zest and flair

But even darkness has its share

There is also another world, which we never bothered to stare

This world can be cricketer’s nightmare

Is each decision of the umpire totally fair?

It there only and only oxygen in the air?

Corruption and spot fixing is the vicious pair

Which this sport has to forcefully bear

This matter can’t be considered as a puny strand of hair

We do need to take care


Gambling, fixing and cheating lies in the game’s fate

The Gentleman’s game is not in gentle state

All these things restrain the sport from being immaculate

Can the sport still compensate?

Is it really great

To earn money by using malice and hate?

All of this is a big debate

Which has drowned hundreds of cricketers till date

Hopefully we can open the gate

For positivity & honesty – it’s soulmate

Hopefully soon we will clean the untidy slate

Never is worse than late!

There are, luckily, many organisations who strictly condemn the practise of cheating, betting, fixing and bias and the cricketers who practise that, are reprimanded from the game for a long period. So, still, we can improve the game and get rid of these negative activities. 

So this blog was all about the Darker Side Of Cricket. You can suggest me what can I write next about. Cheerios, and keep on reading my blogs, Mis Amigos!! Hey! Haven't you checked out my YouTube channel? Then why not?! Here is the link:

☝☝Here is my one of my best videos, that too about cricket!!☝☝


Natural disasters and calamities are a huge problem, aren't they? Destroying habitats, killing people and animals, and then, lastly, leaving everything in a ramshackled condition and going away. And so, today, his blog is going to be all about one of the most perilous calamity- Earthquakes. Read on!


The Earth started shaking its torso. The buildings trembled. People ran for their lives. The ground started breaking its virtual shackles. Everything above the ground shimmied and collided with it. There were gigantic cracks on the road, in which all vehicles fell. Homes, bungalows, mansions, apartments, buildings, all fell to their knees within the blink of an eye. Men, women and children screamed for some aid. Animals gave out heavy cries and tried to escape, only to find themselves trapped. Dogs barked and howled with an intention to find their family. The disaster continued doing its harm for about two minutes, and then all of a sudden, mercy was bestowed. Everything screeched to a halt. But after all, the harm had been done, so all people could do was to bite the bullet. Hundreds of lives lost, hundreds of creatures breathed their last breath, building and shops ramshackled and millions of money lost. And there I was with my family, seated in a helicopter saved by the Air Force of India, amidst the silhouette of death casting on the city.

So this blog was all about a terrifying earthquake. You can surely recommend me about which topic can I write next about. Cheerios, and keep on reading my blogs, Mis Amigos!! And hey! Don't you know about my YouTube channel? Do check it out, and like, share and subscribe! Here is the link:

☝️☝️One of my best videos☝️☝️


Friday, May 8, 2020


There are 7.8 billion people currently living their lives, with each one having a different way to live their own. Some believe life should be lived in a fun way, whereas there are many others too who believe in living in a very disciplined and no-nonsense way. And, in this blog, I have mentioned my approach towards life in the form of a poem. Read on!

What's a board game without any dice?

What's a proper Indian staple meal without any rice?

What's a burger without any fries?

What's a product without any price?

What's a  a discovery without any tries?

What's a scalp without any lice?

What's life without any spice?

Life will end in a trice

So live it up and be cool and nice!

Fun is an invaluable part of life

Life is not just frustration and strife

Life is a test of how can you find happiness

With obstacles filled with tension and stress

In the first part of life, while thriving you have to strive

In the sea of efforts you have to dive

But then, your perseverance will surely thrive

But, it is not all hard work

You can enjoy too; by giving an occasional smirk!

But if you work hard in the first half

In the second one, you will be able to smile and laugh!

But if you try to giggle and snigger in the first part

The second one will be no easy apple tart

In the first part, you could enjoy as well

But in the second one,"Now no enjoyment!" Life will tell!

Struggle will be immense

The feelings would be only tense

There will be no family time

You will be always busy earning dime!

So in all, work will be easier in the first inning

And in the second inning you will be able to live life as a king

But, if in the first half, you have been lazy

Then, your second inning will be murky and hazy!

"Don't stop chasing your dreams, because dreams do come true"

Sachin Tendulkar rightly coined this quote

Anything can happen, anytime, out of the blue!

So build your life's own boat

Keep on rowing it till you reach the place you want to go to

And at the same time help others keep their boat afloat!

Helping is a very kind gesture

Be it the hungry beggar

Either the kitten doing its purr

Or the rich businessman who needed some motivation and spur

Or be it the rookie who was in a blur

You ought to succour 

And not deter!

So these are some of my life's fundas and tricks

And also life's main building bricks!

Till then, you enjoy your life's inning

As I say adieu, happily reciting!

So this was all for today's blog. Hopefully you implement these fundas in your life too! Cheerios, and keep on reading my blogs, Mis Amigos!! And hey, haven't you checked out my YouTube channel? Then why not! Here is the link:

☝️☝️One of my best videos☝️☝️

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Corona se daro na!

न दिनों एक काफी मशहूर रोग फ़ैल रहा है; और यह है कोरोना वायरस। इस विषय पर मैंने और एक ब्लॉग भी लिखा है, आप ज़रूर उसे पढ़िये। इस बार आपके लिए मैं एक कविता प्रस्तुत करना चाहता हूँ अवश्य पढ़िये और अपनी ज़िन्दगी में इसका पालन किजिए  !

गो  कोरोना गो  कोरोना 

 से कुछ  नहीं होना। 


अभी  तक तो नहीं बनी है इस घातक रोग की दवा 

सिर्फ घर में रहो ;और समय को मत करो गवा !

सिर्फ एकता, सिर्फ सय्यम 

इन दोनों से कर सकते है हम कोरोना के नाक में दम।   

केवल एक चीज़ करनी है एक साथ 

जितना हो उतना न मिलाओ हाथ 

साथ में  हराएँगे कोरोना को ; हाथ में लेके हाथ 

(सिर्फ एक काल्पनिक वाक्य है ; गंभीरता से न लें यह बात !)

दोस्तों मैंने एक यूट्यूब चैनल शुरु किया है। मेरे चैनल का लिंक मैंने इधर दिया है, आप ज़रूर मेरे वीडियोस को देखें, कॉमेंट, शेयर, और सब्ज़क्राइब करें। हम फिर मिलेंगे, तब तक आप मेरे ब्लोग्स पढ़ते रहे और लॉकडाऊन में आपके परिवार के साथ सुरक्षित और स्वस्थ रहें ! यहाँ है मेरे चैनल का लिंक:

👆👆यह है मेरा सबसे बढ़िया वीडियो👆👆

Thursday, April 30, 2020

T20 cricket: A few smart strategies

T20 is a revolutionary format of the game. Purists and pundits of the sport have their say that T20 cricket is 'destroying' cricket and test matches have 'lost their value'.  That is the reason of the T20 format being a highly controversial figure. So, in this blog, I'm going to share my opinion about strategies of the game; and especially about the approaches towards the game; when to be attacking and when to be defensive. And, to give knowledge in an easier way, I have mentioned a few FAQs and answers for them. Read on!

What strategy should bowlers use? Bowling dot balls or getting wickets?

Bowlers should get the knack of taking wickets, and getting dot balls and keeping the batsman under the radar should be secondary. But why so? Bowling dots resembles impressive talent, that too meaning controlling an ultra-attacking batsman in an ultra-attacking format. However, even though the batsman is attacking, keeping him in defense can, in fact, help the batsman settle. If the batsman scores almost 1 runs off 5-6 deliveries, the batsman has got used to the conditions, the pitch, the outfield and the bowlers too. And then, after understanding everything, the batsman can wreak havoc. Whereas, on the contrary, wickets are a much better choice. On each and every delivery, the bowler should try capturing the batsman's wicket and try to unsettle him and make him lose his confidence. If a batsman tries to settle down, scoring 1 run off 6 deliveries, and then the fielding team should capture his wicket. After him, the new batsman will arrive. He will take another 5-6 balls to settle. And then, by that time, the bowlers should dismiss him. And so goes on the cycle, and then, by that time, the batting innings will be over. And so, that's why wickets should be preferred above dots.

Should the bowlers be shuffled again and again so that the batsman cannot get settled? Or the fielding captain should allow the bowlers to bowl spells? Which is preferable?

Shuffling with bowlers is an amazing strategy.  One can be fast swing, another legbreak, then fast-medium and another can be chinaman. The batsmen may get frustrated by the variety of bowlers. But however, as they say, too much of anything isn't good. So, in the powerplay, the bowlers should be used adequately. If the bowlers are shuffled too much, then the batsman's memory can help him. "Oh yeah.. that chinaman guy?  He bowls leg spin around off stump.. I'll take room and smash him over sweeper cover." "The fast swing bowler? Yeah he bowls outswingers at the middle stump.. so that we try to defend or play the cover drive and get out. I shan't give him much room." And so, the shuffling strategy is a good one, but should be used adequately.

Rashid Khan
Jos Buttler
Jofra Archer
Rishabh Pant
AB de Villiers (my personal favourite)
Andre Russell

   Are X-factor players important in this format? If     yes, then why so?

X-factor players are a very important factor. An X-factor player, is a player who is distinctively attacking, be it a batsman or a bowler. Some brilliant examples of X-factor players are AB de Villiers, Rishabh Pant, Andre Russell, Jos Buttler, Jofra Archer, Rashid Khan, etc. Another factor abot them is that they have a large variety, be it of 360° shots like the reverse scoop or lap shot or bowling variations like the googly, flipper, slower ball, knuckle ball,etc. And the whole T20 format is about being unique and tricking one's opponent and knocking 'em down, so X-factor players play a huge role.

So what about the conditions such as pitch, outfield, weather, etc.?

All of these play a very important role. If dew is present in the pitch, the batting team should look to give a difficult target to the team which is going to bat next (such as 170-180) , since if dew is present, chasing can be easier. The batsmen should be wary of spinners, since in slightly wet conditions (and dew too) the ball may not spin at all. Dry, hard and bouncy pitches are perfect for a batting team. A score of 180 should be adequate for such a pitch. A grassy pitch is a bowler's pitch. The more the dry pitch, the more bouncy it is and more the grass, the more the ball will stay low. And the more the ball will stay low, the more difficult it will be for the batsman to score. At such a pitch, even a score of 140 is difficult to score or chase.

For more runs to be scored, the outfield needs to be dry so that the ball can reach the boundary easily. Whereas, if it has rained earlier in the day before the match, boundaries will be more difficult and the batsmen will have to look for lofted shots and good running between the wickets. If the wind is going against the bowler,  then runs will be easier for batsmen, but running between the wickets will be harder. 160-170 would be a good score in such conditions. If the wind is going with the bowler, swing is likely and batsmen will find it difficult. 140 will be a great score in this kind of wind. However, while the bowling and batting ends change, the conditions can take favour of the other team too!

So this was about T20 format, and a few strategies for the game. Hope you implement it when you play a T20. So this was all for today from my blog. Cheerios, and keep on playing cricket and reading my blogs, Mis Amigos!!  And don't you know about my YouTube channel? Do check it out! Here is the link:

☝☝My best video, that too about cricket!☝☝