Infinite ISH... Thoughts of my Infinite mind

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Some Food Jokes to avoid being "Hangry"...

Hey guys, welcome to my new blog! In this blog, I'm sharing some of my coolest food jokes, which you could read when you feel angry and ...

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Ant And The Grasshopper "Stoetry"

The Ant And The Grasshopper, The Greedy Dog, The Wolf And The Three Pigs... do these words give you some nostalgia? Well, even if you get nostalgic, there's no problem to that.
But, somewhere, lost in one's memory, these stories are having a special spot for themselves. Even though one doesn't remember it completely, they are having their place somewhere. 

And, if you want to revive those stories, those memories, today's blog is a beautiful poem; about the story The Ant And The Grasshopper. Well, I prefer to call it "Stoetry" (mix of story and poetry).

I have got inspiration to write this "Stoetry" from Roald Dahl, after reading his mind-blowing Stoetry of the story The Wolf And The Three Pigs. Read on to know my version of The Ant And The Grasshopper, with humour guaranteed!

An animal which comes out of the grass like a popper
Is none other than a gritty Grasshopper
Jumping and skipping in the lush green grass
Can anybody have a life with such class
Look at it from far and it will look like an emerald green tong  
It keeps on jumping all day long                                                   

But there was this grasshopper which was an exception
With him having a completely different perception
He was a synonym for the word 'lazy'
He was happy-go-lucky; never was his mind hazy
His good friends were the Ants
Luckily he never let them in his pants

Then came the bright summer
Which, in the matter of storing food, was a bummer
For the winter, the ants collected and stored food
But still the grasshopper was in his jovial mood
On the guitar he played Jazz
His life then was all Razzmatazz  
Playing guitar and singing
Was his preferred thing

Summer was approaching to its end; all he did was this
Next arrived the winter's kiss
He hadn't stored grub for Jack Frost
What to do now; his brain was lost
The ants told him to do the same
He didn't listen to them; with zilch shame 
With a hungry stomach he began to roam                                  
Heading towards the ants' home
He knocked on the puny door
And begged for food- which he didn't store
His body was a source of immense fatigue
The fact was known by the ant league

They took some time to think
If starved more, the grasshopper's life would be at its brink
They couldn't say NO
After all, they were always together, during highs and lows
The grasshopper was given food to eat
Kindness had got another feat
The grasshopper gave a big smile
As broad as the River Nile
Thanking the ants enough
Was definitely tough

With enlightenment on his lips
He learnt two important tips
First: Always do planning for the future
So you can avoid a terrible hunger adventure
Second: Never underestimate the power of an ant
It can do much more than just invade your pant!!

Phew! Amazing, wasn't it? By the way, if YOU found it amazing too, you can surely comment! Hope you must have enjoyed it. So, this is all for today from my end. Cheerios, and keep on reading my blogs, Mis Amigos!! Hey! Haven't you checked out my YouTube channel? Tap on the link to learn more: 

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