The Corona Virus: a biological atom bomb
Others call it a haunting phantom
Which sends people directly to their tomb
Going to public places to fetch it will be rather dumb
So then, Government imposed this Lockdown
Which no doubt has made people frown
People are stuck at their place
Oh man, what a disgrace!
“Why on Earth am I stuck in this one-horse town?”
“My wedding is cancelled, what can I do with my wedding gown?”
Man, the economy’s way too low
To the office one has to go
Men occupied in laptops; women busy kneading dough
The only people free now are the kitty and the crow
And the children too; keep scratching their brow
“Always HOP for the best” says the rabbit
“And P-REPAIR for the worst” tells the mechanic
“EGG-SPLORE your talents during Lockdown” advises the chick
All these people’s knowledge is lit
As the doctor says, “Precaution is better than cure
Be prepared, the lesser pain you’ll have to endure!
Always have a strong immunity
That’s the main nitty-gritty
And also, at all times be fit
No no, I don’t demand a six pack, but just tone your body a little bit
And also always keep handy a first-aid kit!
So this was my poem, hope it was funny
It includes adages form the mechanic to the bunny
So here I give the last advice
Listen to me carefully; I’ll tell you in a trice
“If your nose ever gets runny
Run to the doctor: reason this virus is very uncanny!”
So this was all for today, my friends. So now, its time to say Cheerios. But do keep on reading my blogs, Mis Amigos! And hey my pals! If you ever want book reviews, search directly in YouTube "Infinite ISH" and there, you'll get some real mesmerising book reviews! Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUYlk5iGjQ3K3EaL_73kM3A. Do like my videos, share it to your friends and subscribe to my channel!