Be Glad Your Mouth Is On Your Face!

Be glad your mouth is on your face
If no, then it would've been a disgrace
Thank God its not amongst your toes
Or else your voice would be heard from your lace
Imagine if it would be inside your nose
You would look like a freak
When you'd speak
Your voice would sound like French and Greek
Be satisfied its not on your knee
Or else when you'd fall down it would be a catastrophe
Be glad your mouth is on your face
Not at any other place!
Despite short, I'm sure this blog must've given you some real good laughs. So now, its time to say Cheerios. But do keep on reading my blogs, Mis Amigos! But hey! Don't you know about my YouTube channel, where I do outstanding book summaries and reviews? The link is right here- Do like, share and subscribe to my channel!
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